Travel is the fourth theme of the Green-Schools programme. The Travel theme is funded by the Department of Transport and supported by the National Transport Authority.
While creating their Action Plan participating schools set Travel targets, with the ultimate aim of increasing the number of pupils walking, cycling, scooting, carpooling, using public transport or using park ‘n’ stride instead of the private car on the school run.
By promoting these sustainable transport modes, schools will also improve pupils’ safety, health and fitness. The journey to school is an ideal way for children to take part in regular physical activity, to interact with their peers, and to develop the road sense children need as pedestrians and cyclists. Alternative modes of transport also improve children’s alertness. The schools will also lessen their overall impact on the environment, by reducing emissions and pollution.
Green-Schools Travel was rolled out nationally in September 2008 after a successful pilot programme in the Greater Dublin area. Since then we have worked, or are working, with over 1400 schools around the country to promote sustainable travel to school.
Green-Schools have dedicated Travel Officers throughout the country who work closely with schools to support them through the 7 Step process of the Travel theme. These officers offer assistance with conducting your Environmental Review; beginning your Action Plan; hosting Days of Action and can help you apply for cycle training and parking for your school.
View our Green-Schools Travel Annual Reports:
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme, opened to all schools in Ireland for active travel funding and delivery in Spring 2021. The programme is an initiative of the Department of Transport and supported by the Department of Education. It is operated by the Green-Schools Programme in partnership with the National Transport Authority (NTA) and the local authorities.
The Safe Routes to School Programme is designed to encourage as many pupils and students as possible in primary and post-primary schools to walk and cycle. It has three aims:
Applications to the programme are now closed. Please click on the link below for further information.
Green-Schools, An Taisce Environmental Education Unit. Registered Charity Number: CHY 4741 / CRA No: 20006358 / Company No: 12469