Global Citizenship -
Marine Environment

Global Citizenship – Marine Environment is a maintenance theme that will enable you to discover how your work on the Green-Schools programme has positively influenced environments worldwide while focusing your work on our oceans and seas.
Sustainable Development Goals

The oceans cover over 70% of Earth. 123 countries worldwide have a coastline, totalling to 1.6 million kilometres in length. Whether you live on the coast or inland, we all depend on the ocean, the products and services it provides (oxygen production, climate regulation, food etc).

We have really enjoyed working on this theme, it has been a real eye opener for all the children and staff, especially considering how topical this is at the moment. We have all realised the importance of protecting the Marine Environment and that even the smallest step can make a difference. We have really been inspired to do whatever we can, and the children, their parents and the wider community are much more aware and perhaps care much more after working on this theme! Even though we don’t live close to a coast, we have come to realise that our actions can have a huge impact on the Marine Environment.

Holy Angels N.S., Clogher, Co. Mayo


We have an extensive range of resources covering all themes.

Teachers’ Seminars for the 2024-25 school year Join us online as we take you through your Green-Schools theme for the year. To find out all you need to know about …

Will you take the #24for24 Challenge this September? Green-Schools and Climate Ambassador Programme are teaming up to bring you the Second-hand September Challenge The Green-Schools Lets Fix Fashion and CAP …

Here is all your June news!

Caoimhe O'Brien Moran

Green-Schools Officer

Jennifer Cooney

Green-Schools Officer


The SeaKeepers Project is a marine biodiversity project for Primary Schools – find out more by clicking the button below:

Marine Week

Welcome to Marine Week! Each year we celebrate our wonderful oceans, coasts and marine environments through a week of interactive, online learning and fun.

This year Marine Week will run from Monday 15th – Friday 19th April, 2024. Check back here for videos and resources throughout the week. In the meantime, check out our Marine Week archive below.


We have an extensive range of resources covering all themes.

Case Studies

We have an extensive range of resources covering all themes.

Inch N.S., Tipperary

Inch NS is a small primary school with 75 students located in Tipperary. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the school decided it was most practical to make one central Green Schools Committee,


Scoil Mhuire, Newtownforbes

Scoil Mhuire, Newtownforbes, Co. Longford, is made up of 20 teachers and over 350 children. From Junior Infants to 6th class, a child from each classroom is picked to be on the Green-Schools committee each year.


Dominican College, Sion Hill

Dominican College Sion Hill is a secondary school with approximately 400 students located in Blackrock, Dublin. The committee consists of the coordinator, caretaker, and two student representatives from each year.

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