Global Goals Book Club: Goal 2 Zero Hunger

Book: Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña

Links to Goal: Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

This is a story about CJ and his grandma riding the bus across town on a Sunday afternoon, and what he learns along the way. This vibrant bus ride through the bustling city will evoke thoughts and discussions around who a sustainable city needs to serve, and the beauty of thinking larger than oneself.


Sit back, relax and listen to this wonderful story:


Age Group: Senior Infants – First Class

It’s important to be looking around in whatever environment you happen to be in. CJ used all of his five senses while on his bus journey to better learn about his environment. Let’s take a closer look into senses with the Using Our Senses.


Age Group: Senior Infants  – Second Class

What a great read! To better understand the story and get you thinking about CJ and his Nana’s journey let’s start by looking at how CJ and Nana worked together to overcome any challenges faced using our Challenge & Solution Worksheet.


Age Group: Primary

Are you ready for another fun activity? Check out this Drawing Activity and draw what you see on your way to school!


Age Group: First to Third Class

Let’s dive into thinking about one of the main characters in the book by filling out our Character Profile sheet.


Age Group: Primary

Speaking of building communities let’s build our very own sustainable city! Follow along with our Let’s make a sustainable city- GC


Age Group: Senior Primary

There are lots of positive things about where each of us live, but think about one thing you could improve that would help your whole community? Fill in the Persuasive Writing Activity Sheet to find out.


Age Group: Primary

Now that you’ve started thinking about Nana and CJ more let’s look at how they interact with their community using our Building a Community Activity Sheet.


Age Group: Primary

Great work learning all about Sustainable Development Goal 11! There were lots of new words used when talking about this Sustainable Cities and Communities, so check out this glossary so you can start using them in your vocabulary!


Don’t forget to check back in next month for a new book!

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