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Resources to help with your Green-Schools programme are sorted into three categories: the theme you are working on, whether your school is primary or secondary and whether you want an activity; lesson plan; presentation; fact sheet; template; survey or craft/DIY.

As with all school activities the Green-Schools programme should always be operated with Health & Safety considerations in mind. Schools should not undertake Green-Schools activities which contravene the school’s Health & Safety procedures and policy. If there is any doubt of an activity, doing so it should be firstly checked with the person responsible for the school’s Health & Safety policy and procedu

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New Year, New Goals

Asses the importance of individual actions and how we can choose our actions to make the world a better place.

Agents of Change

Exploring the intersectionality of queer history and climate activism. Addressing SDGs 3, 5 and 10 For Senior Primary and Secondary students

The Empathy Melody

Grooving to the Beat of Family Dynamics This lesson plan is aimed at 1st – 4th class, and aligns with SDGs 3 and 10.

All About Seeds

To familiarise students with plant life-cycles, and to raise awareness about the role and importance of biodiversity in plant life-cycles and in food production generally.

The Story of Our Food

To improve food literacy, to raise awareness about the origins of various food items, and to increase participants’ awareness of the impacts of their food choices on the environment.

Food Habitat Map

A food habitat map is a visual representation of the school and grounds that shows any areas connected with food and drink. Step 1: View the presentation. Step 2: Follow […]

Cártaí Bairr

(Irish translation) Learn how to grow the 10 recommended crops for the Food & Biodiversity theme.

#AndSheCycle Toolkit – Irish

Campaign toolkit to help schools and community groups bring the #andshecycles message into the classroom and beyond.

Jellyfish Wordsearch – Seakeepers

Don’t forget the ANSWER SHEET!  

Grow your own Kelp Forest – Seakeepers

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