Global Citizenship -

Global Citizenship Travel is the ninth theme of the Green-Schools programme. The ultimate aim of the theme is to continue your school’s work on encouraging walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school. This theme will allow you to discover how your work on the Green-Schools programme is having a positive effect on global issues including air quality and sustainable development. The Global Citizenship Travel theme is funded by the Department of Transport and supported by the National Transport Authority.
Sustainable Development Goals

The aim of the Global Citizenship Travel theme is to continue your school’s work on encouraging walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school.

Find out more about this theme, upcoming events and competitions, and theme resource clicking on the button below.

Why Global Citizenship Travel?

How Global Citizenship Travel works

The Global Citizenship Travel theme is a revision theme for your school, as well as an opportunity to focuses on four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are most relevant to the theme of Travel.  We have selected four SDG’s which you can focus on when you are working on the Global Citizenship Travel theme. The four SDG’s are as follows;

• SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being
• SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities
• SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
• SDG 13 – Climate Action

By studying these SDG’s and what it means to be a global citizen, students will learn;

  • The positive benefits which active travel has on our health and well-being and the impacts of air quality.
  • Understand issues such as reduced inequalities in relation to accessing and partaking in sustainable travel mobility.
  • Learn though case studies, examples of planning and developing sustainable travel within towns and cities.
  • Understand how transport emissions are directly linked to climate change, and explore the many ways how individuals can contribute to lowing harmful greenhouse gases.

In addition to working on the global citizenship element of the latest Travel theme, schools should also focus on monitoring and improving sustainable travel habits within the school. Much like the Travel theme, schools should continue to;

  • Review what travel habits are present in your school.
  • Raise awareness of the sustainable modes of travel such as walking, cycling, and scooting
    among others.
  • Promote and facilitate ‘Active Citizenship’ by actively moving towards a culture of sustainable
  • Tailor their Action Plan to set positive Travel targets, with the ultimate aim of increasing the number of pupils walking, cycling, scooting, carpooling, using public transport or using park ‘n’ stride instead of the private car on the school run.

By promoting these sustainable transport modes, schools will also improve pupils’ safety, health and fitness. The journey to school is an ideal way for children to take part in regular physical activity, to interact with their peers, and to develop the road sense children need as pedestrians and cyclists. Alternative modes of transport also improve children’s alertness. The schools will also lessen their overall impact on the environment, by reducing emissions and pollution.

Facts & Figures

What You Can Do

Useful Links

The Travel and Global Citizenship themes were daunting at first but support from our Education Officer has been invaluable. The Sustainable Development goals link well with the Transport theme and the materials provided help children learn that anything they can do in their daily lives can help others like themselves. The assistance and back up of the Education officer is a key support for our school.

Cloonlyon National School, Co. Mayo


We have an extensive range of resources covering all themes.

Cycling Survey Templates – Teimpléid Suirbhé Rothaíochta

Templates to support schools wishing to monitor bicycle parking, survey cycling safety awareness and promote bicycle safety checks are available in Irish and English. These will help you identify actions […]

Scores on the Doors – Scóranna Ar Na Doirse

Scores on the doors is a great way to monitor your travel theme. Students names are entered into the sheet which is then placed on the classroom door. Students note […]

Travel Surveys – Suirbhé Taistil

Travel surveys are an integral part of the travel themes. These are used to establish your starting point and guide your travel action plan. To support schools in the implementation […]

Travel Action Plan – Pleanáil Gníomhartha Taisteal

 The Action Plan should be put together early in your Green-Schools Travel programme, and it is one of your most important steps; it is the blueprint for the work you are going […]

Case Studies

We have an extensive range of resources covering all themes.

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland School

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland School, Jobstown, Dublin 24 is a five teacher school with 96 students located in a housing estate in Dublin 24.


St. Ernan’s National School

St. Ernan’s National School is a primary school of approx 120 pupils with six teachers, located on the outskirts of the village of Delvin in Co. Westmeath.


Gaelcholaisté Luimnigh, Limerick City

Gaelcholaiste Luimnigh received their Green Flag for Travel in May 2016. The school is a mixed secondary school located in the heart of Limerick City. 


We have an extensive range of resources covering all themes.

A Week of Global Collaboration From February 24th to 28th, the Green Schools Global Citizenship Team hosted our most inspiring Global Goals Week yet! Partnering with the Kenyan Organisation for …

Green Flag renewals are coming! Is your school going to apply for a Green Flag renewal this year? If so, read on for some important information and dates! The deadline …

Join us for a week of online learning and fun as we celebrate all things energy! The week will take place from Monday 24th March – Friday the 28th and …



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