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Resources to help with your Green-Schools programme are sorted into three categories: the theme you are working on, whether your school is primary or secondary and whether you want an activity; lesson plan; presentation; fact sheet; template; survey or craft/DIY.

As with all school activities the Green-Schools programme should always be operated with Health & Safety considerations in mind. Schools should not undertake Green-Schools activities which contravene the school’s Health & Safety procedures and policy. If there is any doubt of an activity, doing so it should be firstly checked with the person responsible for the school’s Health & Safety policy and procedu

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How to make a solar cooker from a shoe box

Check out our home made Solar Cooker. It’s very easy to make and uses items that you probably have at home already! On the next hot sunny day, this is […]

Plastic Soup Activity

For this activity we explore plastic pollution and the impact it has on our Oceans. Click the activity below to learn more and complete our Plastic Soup activity.

Up-cycled Fish

A great way to reduce waste is by up-cycling used materials. Learn how to make a cute up-cycled fish from a toilet roll tube.

Story of Stuff: Microbeads

Plastic microbeads were recently banned in Ireland…but many people didn’t even know they existed! So, what are microbeads anyway? Watch the Story of Stuff video about microbeads and do our […]

DIY Face Scrub

Do you want to make a step forward in protecting our marine environment from microbeads while taking care of your skin? If your answer is yes, you will be pleased: […]

Learn about Molluscs

♪ ♫ “She sells seashells on the seashore” ♩♬ Marine Biodiversity is rich with colourful life and curious looking creatures. Enter the spiralling world of molluscs with this video by […]

Learn about the Puffin

Puffins are one of our most beautiful and recognisable seabirds; find out more about them with our fact sheet!

Up-cycled Octopus

Did you know that octopus are one of the most intelligent invertebrates? They also have three hearts and blue blood! Try your hand at making these cute up-cycled octopus out […]

Plastic Oceans UK: Our Ocean

Why are our oceans so important? How do they work and why do we need them? Check out this great video by Plastic Oceans UK and then take our quiz! […]

Memory Game

Dolphins have the longest memory in the animal kingdom (besides humans!) – how good is your memory? Play our marine memory game to find out!  

Learn about the Humpback Whale

Did you know that there are 25 species of whales and dolphins known to live in Irish waters? Find out more about one of them, the humpback whale, with our […]

Up-cycled Jellyfish

Jellyfish – mysterious, ancient and 90% water, try make your own… A great way to reduce waste is by up-cycling used materials. Learn how to make a cute up-cycled jellyfish.

Marine Movie: Our Planet

Learn about the amazing and fierce fried egg jellyfish with a clip from the Netflix documentary Our Planet. Watch the clip and take our quiz! Below is a short clip […]

Blubber Glove Experiment

Channel your inner penguin and understand how polar animals keep warm, with our fun blubber glove experiment!

World Oceans Day Quiz!

Woo-hoo for WORLD OCEANS DAY!! This is the day to celebrate our beautiful Oceans and all the sea-life that inhabits them! World Oceans Day is an international day that takes […]

Up-cycled Crab

A great way to reduce waste is by up-cycling used materials. Learn how to make a cute up-cycled  crab. Did you know there are 850 species of crab in the […]

BBC Trials of Life: One Hundred Million Crabs

The Christmas Island red crab is a species of land crab that is endemic to Christmas Island and Cocos Islands in the Indian Ocean. Watch the amazing annual spawning event […]

Learn about the Atlantic Salmon

Learn about the Atlantic Salmon – find out about the life-cycle of this amazing fish and how they spend their lives migrating between freshwater and the Ocean! Check out our […]

Let’s explore the Rocky Shore

Let’s explore the Rocky Shore with Green-Schools Marine Environment. Do you know your bladderwrack from your kelp? Can you spot a sea anemone in a rock pool? Next time you take […]

Active Travel Planning and Design – ‘City in a Box’

Follow this ten minute video guide for inspiration where Green-Schools Officer Rebecca will give you some ideas on how to build your very own sustainable city. Cities and towns are […]

Bike Safety Lesson

Green-Schools Cycling Development and Travel Officer, Allison Phillips, goes through some quick checks with her bike before setting off on a cycle. Since the roads and our lives are not […]

Scooting Skills

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Global Citizenship Travel SDG quiz

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”no” equal_height_columns=”no” menu_anchor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”center center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” fade=”no” background_parallax=”none” parallax_speed=”0.3″ video_mp4=”” video_webm=”” video_ogv=”” video_url=”” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_loop=”yes” video_mute=”yes” overlay_color=”” video_preview_image=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” padding_right=”” […]

Helmet Fitting

Green-Schools Travel Officer Allison talks you through fun and easy to remember steps to ensure proper helmet fitting. Watch the short video to help teach students the correct way to […]

Pumping Tires

Are your tires falling a little flat? Not getting the benefit from a set of pumped up wheels?! In this video Green-Schools Travel Officer Róisín explains how to effectively pump […]

Hidden Places – Heritage

How well do you know your local area? We often walk from A to B with an objective to get to our destination as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sometimes […]

Hidden Places – Nature

How well do you know your local area? We often walk from A to B with an objective to get to our destination as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sometimes […]

Hidden Places – The Seashore

How well do you know your local area? We often walk from A to B with an objective to get to our destination as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sometimes […]

Fionn the Foot is Rambling around Ireland

How well do you popular scenic destinations around Ireland? Have you spotted any of these breathtaking landscapes as part of your summer #staycation? Green-Schools Travel Mascot Fionn the Foot is […]

Cycle Safely with Young Students

Green-Schools Travel Officer Ellen has made this video for parents and guardians with tips on how to cycle safely with young children. Learn about proper helmet fitting and road positioning […]

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