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Resources to help with your Green-Schools programme are sorted into three categories: the theme you are working on, whether your school is primary or secondary and whether you want an activity; lesson plan; presentation; fact sheet; template; survey or craft/DIY.

As with all school activities the Green-Schools programme should always be operated with Health & Safety considerations in mind. Schools should not undertake Green-Schools activities which contravene the school’s Health & Safety procedures and policy. If there is any doubt of an activity, doing so it should be firstly checked with the person responsible for the school’s Health & Safety policy and procedu

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Green-Schools Global Goals Book Club – The Lorax Goes Global

Today is Global Goal Day. There are links to lots of videos explaining the Global Goals and we even have Thomas the Tankengine explaining our Goal for the day, Goal […]

How Trees and Plants Defend Themselves

Watch this video and check out the Green-Schools presentation to learn about how trees and plants defend themselves in order to thrive.

Up-cycled Plant Pots

Seedling pots can tot up to a costly amount if you intend to sow a lot of seeds, especially if you are carrying out a whole-class grow project. If there […]

Acidification Experiment

If you’ve heard of Ocean acidification before, but you are not sure of what it is and what its effects are, this experiment is just what you need! With this […]

Arts and Crafts Eggbox Seal

The following activity is mostly targeted at junior and senior infants with adult supervision but can be enjoyed by older kids too. It is incredible the amount of stuff that […]

Limpet game

Limpets are a type of mollusc related to snails, octopus, and squid; they have very hard shells that protect them from predators, human footsteps, and drying out. Limpets begin life […]

Ocean Current Experiment

Have you ever wondered how Ocean currents are formed, what factors affect where currents originate from and the direction they flow and why some currents are warm while others are […]

Make your own… Seaweed Goo!

Have you ever touched seaweed with your foot while strolling on the beach? Did you notice how it often feels slimy? This is because seaweed is covered in a jelly-like […]

Oystercatcher Odd One Out!

This activity is aimed at remembering the main information about these beautiful birds: oystercatchers! Below is a list of words that might (or might not) be connected to the world […]

Bird Beak Adaptation Experiment

Different birds have differently shaped beaks, have you ever wondered why? As the available food type varies in different habitats, birds have had to develop special adaptations to gain access […]

Butter insulation experiment!

The Grey Seal generally breeds in Irish waters from September to December, and fluffy seal pups are born during the coldest months of the year. The cold, however, is not […]

Framed Bug Hotel

Green-Schools takes you through a step-by-step guide on how to make your very own framed Bug Hotel. All you need is a scissors, string, three plastic bottles, scrap wood, a […]

Make a Bird Feeder Necklace with LEAF

Make a very simple bird feeder necklace with string and old fruit to help keep little birds well and fed during chilly months!

Animal Groups Test

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Origami Frog

Celebrate frogs with Green-Schools by making origami jumping frogs and learning about Ireland’s only frog species, the Common Frog. This video is a step-by-step guide to make an Origami Frog […]

Nettle Fertiliser

This nettle plant feed has such a simple method and creates a great concentrated tomato-feed. Keep feeding nettles into a jar half filled with water, add more water as needed. […]

Build a Bird’s Nest

Ever wondered how birds are able to build their own nests just using their beaks and feet? See how difficult it is for you with your hands! Can you build […]

Spud Breakout!

Try this fun experiment, designed by Kew Gardens for our Great Plant Hunt Project, to discover more about what plants need to help them grow and end up with some […]

Origami Bees

Celebrate bees with Green-Schools by making origami buzzing bees and and learn some cool facts about our flying pals. This video is a step-by-step guide to make an Origami Bee […]

Bee Quiz

Can you tell a honeybee from a bumblebee? Are you Queen-Bee or do you need to do some more bumble-work to get full marks? Take our Green-Schools Bee quiz and […]


Why not take part in a Bioblitz! Race around your garden or local area and count how many living things you can find! Download your Bioblitz activity guide below.

Bees Word-Search

Test your bee knowledge with a bee vocabulary word-search activity. This 10-minute activity will have you buzzing from start to finish! A suitable activity for junior primary students following learning […]

Up-cycled Loo Tube Bees

Learn about the wonderful world of bees! Explore the garden or park and then get your creativity flowing by creating a bee and honeycomb out of recycled toilet paper tube […]

Top Trumps Nature Quiz

Let’s find out more about some of fastest, tallest and oldest wildlife in Ireland and learn about the superpowers some creatures have! What is the fastest animal? Who can release […]

Leaf Hedgehog

Time to get crafty with this leafy little hedgehog fellow! Take a little walk in your areas and collect some fallen leaves. Can you name the tree species while collecting? […]

Framed Bug Hotel

Green-Schools takes you through a step-by-step guide on how to make your very own framed Bug Hotel. All you need is a scissors, string, three plastic bottles, scrap wood, a […]

Grandparents Travel Survey

Perhaps as part of Grandparents Day in your school, why not find out a bit more about how previous generations travelled to school?

Global Goals Book Club – The Lorax

Joanne and Birgit from the Global Citizenship team have been busy coming up with some ideas to try and help you keep learning about what it means to be a […]

Global Goals Book Club – Razia’s Ray of Hope

Joanne and Birgit from the Global Citizenship team have been busy coming up with some ideas to try and help you keep learning about what it means to be a […]

Global Goals Book Club – Iqbal and his Ingenious Idea

Joanne and Birgit from the Global Citizenship team have been busy coming up with some ideas to try and help you keep learning about what it means to be a […]

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