Global Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Global Goal 7 features the book ‘Iqbal and His Ingenious Idea’ by Elizabeth Suneby. This story follows Iqbal, a Bangladeshi boy who uses his creativity to harness solar energy to light his village. By exploring Iqbal’s journey, children learn about the importance of renewable energy and its role in providing sustainable solutions to energy access challenges. Through discussions and activities inspired by the book, we encourage your classroom to explore the benefits of clean energy technologies and inspire them to advocate for affordable and clean energy solutions in their communities. This promotes awareness and empowers children to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
Global Goals Book List:
‘Iqbal and his Ingenious Idea’ by Elizabeth Suneby
Age: Junior Infants – 4th Class
Green-Schools, An Taisce Environmental Education Unit. Registered Charity Number: CHY 4741 / CRA No: 20006358 / Company No: 12469