Global Goals Book Club: Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals

New Resource in May 2024:

This month we are visiting the Old Head of Kinsale in County Cork through the book ‘The Worms that Saved the World’by Kevin Doyle and Spark Deeley. Join worm Connie and his friends as they come together to try and save their habitat and protect the environment. This book demonstrates the power of collective action, friendship and solidarity. It serves as a lovely resource to engage junior students with Global Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Download our newest resource to accompany The Worms that Saved the World and let your students enjoy the responsibility of creating a pledge to protect the planet along with a fun and meaningful group art activity. Artist and Global Citizen Grace Crowley from Scoil Mháirtín also created her vision of Global Goal 17 – ‘Partnerships for the Goals’ for your students to colour in!


Explore the theme of partnership, Goal 17, through book reading, storytelling, craft activities and school yard games. Below our Global Goals book club storyteller retells an old story from the Irish Traveller community. A story of hardship during the times of famine in Ireland and how hedgehog came to the aid of the people. There is also an additional story about a brave robin. There is a clay craft activity and two school yard games linked to the stories. 

Stories: ‘How hedgehog got its spines; (video

(Retold from the award-winning Irish Traveller story collection ‘Why the moon travels’ by Oein DeBhairduin.)               (Suitable for infants to 6th class)    

LINK to Goal 17:

How friends/partners come to our aid when they are needed and without looking for reward or thanks. Crucially how even the seemingly small and less powerful can save the day when times are really tough. 

Suggestions of follow on Questions: 

 Q; Sometimes the big and strong need help from the smaller and less strong or powerful. Can you think of examples of this? Consider nature; what do bees and butterflies do for us? Even wasps? (Wasps are a surprising one, they are also important pollinators, but don’t often get the credit for it like bees and butterflies do,) What do earthworms do for us? (Without earthworms there would be no soil, then where would we be?) 

Q: Ireland, as a country, isn’t big or particularly powerful but what roles does it play in helping the world? Think about being a member of the EU and UN and the missions of the Irish PeaceKeepers. 

Q: In what period of Irish history could this story be set in? When was it that the people of Ireland were most hungry and food (potatoes) would not grow? 

Q: How was it that a hedgehog was able to know where so much food was to be found? 

Q: In what ways do hedgehogs need our help now? 


‘How robin got its red breast’: (video)  

Which also features in the Goal 15; Life on Land section. Robin is brave and resourceful but can’t save its woodland home from fire alone. Robin inspires others to act, in collaboration and partnership.           (Suitable for infants to 6th class) 

Suggestions for follow on questions: 

Q: How does this story demonstrate the power of partnerships? 

Q: Do you ever feel too small to make a difference? Does the story make you think differently about this? 


Ireland was one of the first countries to ban smoking in public places and also to introduce a tax on plastic bags. Most countries have followed Ireland’s lead. So the small and less powerful can be world leaders and forces for change. 


Activities & Schoolyard games: 

Age group: 1st to 6th class 

  • CRAFT: clay activity linked to the hedgehog story:                  

Here for teachers is a ‘how to video’ showing a nature craft activity using clay, twigs and string: How to make a clay mouse and a clay hedgehog is demonstrated in the video. Making the hedgehog is shown from 4:20 seconds if you want to skip directly to that. However the little mouse character links to an audio storytelling track “The little mouse and the tasty acorn” Which is part of playlist of fun stories for listening to:  

Before your pupils get to add the spines to their little clay hedgehog get them first to reflect again on the Goal theme of partnership. Ask them to think of skills

 and strengths they have to offer that could help others. For each one they suggest they can add a spine to their hedgehogs.

Age Group: All class groups will enjoy these games, but perhaps particularly 1st to 5th class. 

  • GAMES: Two schoolyard games linked to the stories told by our storyteller. 

The ‘Blindfold hedgehog’ game and the ‘Woodland fire’ game and both cooperative games that will work in your school yard or playing field and are inspired by the two stories told this month of the hedgehog and the robin. 


Book: Children of the World written by Tessa Strickland and Kate DePalma, illustrated by David Dean

Links to Goal: Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals, more info here

Children of the World first published by Barefoot Books, Inc. Written by Tessa Strickland and Kate DePalma. Illustrated by David Dean. Reproduced with kind permission

This is a beautiful story that explores the lives of many children across the world, celebrating the everyday moments that connect all of us. Put on your explorer’s cap because you’ll trek across the earth learning about different children’s stories from their families to language and even food! This delightful journey will both arouse thoughts and promote discussions around how we are more alike than different.


Get comfortable and get ready go on an adventure across the world!



Age group: junior infants-second class

Before we start the other activities lets get our wiggles out with this fun sing-along with a great message!


Age Group: senior infants-first class

There was so many pictures of delicious food in the book! Let’s get thinking about the food we eat, and what food we would try around the world.


Age Group: First to Third Class

This book gave us an insight on so many different children’s lives, to get a better understanding of where each child is from take a look at the mapping activity below:


Age Group: Senior Primary

Hello! Bonjour! Konnichiwa! Fill in the activity below to learn more about languages around the world:


Age Group: Primary

A timeline is a tool used to organize dates, fill out a timeline of your life and share your story below:


Age Group: Primary

Barefoot Books, the first publisher, created an amazing toolkit filled with more fun activities for you to enjoy! Check them out:


Don’t forget to check back next month for a new book! 

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