RSA Leading Lights Awards 2022

We are delighted that the work of our Travel Team Leader for the West, Áine O’Loughlen, was recently recognised at  RSA Ireland’s Leading Lights Awards.

Áine won in the Future Category for her work developing the Survey 123 app which allows our Travel Officers to record speed data outside schools. The information collected is used to present the speed issue to local authorities in order to advocate for lower speed limits around schools.  In 2021 we held a week dedicated to recording speeds: you can read more about this in our Speedweek 2021 Report.

The judges comments on Áine’s work: ‘The data and evidence collected on the Survey 123 App delivered striking and valuable results following the speed survey so it definitely proved its worth. Access to this data and the fact that it’s shared with key partners, enables the improvement of road safety.’

We are so proud of Áine’s work and the work of our team in devoting their time to monitoring speed outside schools and calling for intervention and measures to make school environments safer for all students.


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