Please read below for Ambassador Guidelines and Application Form.
They are young people from all around Ireland. They apply as a team of 2-4 people from the same school. They’re usually friends who want to take positive action for the environment. They are supported by a teacher and can contact our team for extra help.
We cannot live without water, and the same is true for all life on Earth. Nowadays, water is under pressure, but the good news is that local actions can have a big impact when we work together. Local actions include litter picks, promoting re-usable items and recycling, assessing water quality, creating ponds and much more. Join us to find out what actions you’d like to take with your team.
Successful candidates will first take part in a regional training day where they will engage in hands-on activities and meet likeminded young people from their region. The training day will be facilitated from 09:30 – 13:30 on the following dates:
Depending on the applications received, we may offer a 4th location.
There will be several opportunities to meet online and in-person during the school year. We will also celebrate our collective impact at a Water Conference and Awards ceremony in Dublin on May 15th 2025.
The application form is filled in for a group of 2-4 students and their supporting teacher. So, before starting completing this form, please make sure that you have a Water Ambassador (Dream) Team!
Any questions? Please contact the Green-Schools Water Team at
Green-Schools, An Taisce, Registered Charity Number: CHY 4741 / CRA No: 20006358 / Company No: 12469
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