The SeaKeepers Project

The SeaKeepers Project 2024-2025 is now OPEN for registrations until Friday, 15th November. Read below to find out more, and for information on how to sign up! 

What is SeaKeepers? 

The SeaKeepers Project runs from October – May and is available to schools currently working on, or previously awarded, the Global Citizenship: Marine Environment theme. The SeaKeepers resource pack includes six interactive lesson presentations, as well as a background information sheet, video links and activities relating to six Irish marine species. These materials will be relevant for the  Living Things and Environmental Awareness and Care  strands of the SESE curriculum. At the end of the project, one lucky school will be selected at random to receive a prize of a free Beach Exploration Workshop at a beach near them before the summer holidays! 

NOTE: If your school has completed all ten themes and is working on “Green-Schools Projects” this year, then you will be working on a different version of SeaKeepers and you should have already received information from us on how to take part. Please email for queries. 

What age group is SeaKeepers suitable for? 

The SeaKeepers Project resources are divided into a “SeaKeepers Junior” pack, aimed loosely at Senior Infants to 2nd class; and a “SeaKeepers Senior” pack, pitched towards 3rd/4th class.  

How do we take part? 

Eligibility: The SeaKeepers Project is available to schools currently working on, or previously awarded, the Global Citizenship: Marine Environment theme.  

  • Teachers must select 10 students at random from their class to complete the Species Identification Survey, this can be done by picking the first/last ten students on the roll or picking names out of a hat. Teachers should make note of which students they have selected, as the same ten students will need to complete the repeat survey later in the year. 
  • For SeaKeepers Junior classes (Senior Infants/1st class/2nd class), selected students should be individually shown a colour printed version (or small computer display) of the Species Identification Survey and asked to name the animals/plants in the pictures as best they can – they can answer verbally and teacher will record responses in the Data Collection Sheet. The survey should not be displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard and students should not shout up answers – this is to ensure the students’ responses are not influenced by others. 
  • For 3rd/4th class students, individual Species Identification Surveys can be colour printed and distributed to the selected students and they can write their answers on the sheet, or alternatively answers can be verbally recorded by teacher as above. All answers should be transferred to the Data Collection Sheet by the teacher. 
  • All selected students should answer individually without help and out of earshot of other students and before any lessons are taught with regard to these species. The aim of this survey is to get baseline information about students’ general knowledge of Irish marine biodiversity, it is expected that they will score very low in the species identification survey – species names will be revealed in May.  
  • Teachers record the students’ answers in the appropriate Data Collection Sheet, along with the other requested details and email to by Friday 15th November to receive access to the resources. Resources will be sent to teachers after the deadline, Friday 15th November. 
  • Teachers should aim to complete all six species lessons by Friday 2nd May 2025. The same ten students should then be re-surveyed, and the repeat survey results submitted by Friday 9th May 2024. Further information on this will be sent to participating classes closer to the time. All participating classes will receive a certificate and one lucky class will then be selected to receive a beach exploration workshop next June provided by Green-Schools staff! 

The SeaKeepers Project is an initiative of the Green-Schools Global Citizenship Marine Environment theme, supported by the Marine section of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Apply now! 

To take part in the SeaKeepers Project 2024/25 please carefully read the instructions above and download the appropriate documents below. Multiple classes from one school may apply, but each class’s results should be recorded in a separate Data Collection Sheet. Only Marine theme schools, or schools previously awarded the Marine flag are eligible to take part. 

Participating teachers should compile the students’ responses in the Data Collection Sheet and email the completed version (as an Excel file) by email to with the subject line “SeaKeepers data” by Friday 15th November. Please do not return individual Species Identification Surveys.  

Download the ‘Species Identification Survey’ and ‘Data Collection Sheet’ from the links below. 

Tá ríméad orainn an Tionscadal SeaKeepers a chur ar fáil as Gaeilge daoibh. Má tá fann ort páirt a ghlacadh trí mheán na Gaeilge, ioslodáiligí ‘an tSuirbhé Sainaithint Speiceas’ atá as Gaeilge.  


If you have any general queries about SeaKeepers or any problems accessing or using the Data Collection Sheet please email the Marine team at   


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