Public Transport Projects

This project aims to facilitate first-hand experiences on existing bus services in order to lay the foundations for the future uptake of public transport in both rural and urban settings. It is our aim to extend these initiatives nationwide on a phased basis to raise awareness about public transport networks and facilitate positive, meaningful and practical engagement with schools located on public bus routes.

Pilot Project 1: Bus in the City

Bus in the city is an intervention specific to metropolitan and town centre services. This interactive workshop targets students from junior – 2nd class and involves a series of talks from Green-Schools, Bus operators and An Garda Siochana as the bus moves through the city. This project places an emphasis on bus routes and the exploration of sustainable transport networks in an urban setting.


The Green-Schools Travel Bus in the City/Bus in the Country initiatives were piloted from March – June 2024 with nine schools in Kilkenny, Limerick and Waterford in partnership with bus operators and An Garda Siochana. Over 230 students participated in the initiative which took place over three school days. Over 90% of participants identified that this was their first time on public transport. This project will be expanded to other areas with an existing public transport network in 2025.

How do I participate?

This project will be rolled out on a phased basis with a limited number of schools located on existing bus networks in 2025. This workshop targets schools located on a public bus network (or within walking distance of a public transport stop) that are currently engaging in a travel theme or have completed the travel theme prior. Schools that meet this criterion will be invited to apply once target areas are identified for phase 2


This workshop has strong curricular links and aims to:

1. Promote ‘active learning’ with regards using public service

2. Promote safe behaviour at bus stops and develop a respect for public bus services

3. Highlight local transport networks available in a local context.

Pilot Project 2: Bus in the Country

The Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan is a major national public transport initiative developed by the National Transport Authority (NTA), with the aim of increasing connectivity, particularly for people living outside our major cities and towns. This plan has seen the introduction of new high-frequency services, enhanced existing services and improved connectivity to the wider transport network. In 2023, 65 new and enhanced bus services were delivered which have connected over 190 towns and villages nationwide. These new services have created new opportunities for schools located on these networks and it was the aim of the ’Bus in the Country’ pilot to explore this idea. In contrast to initiatives piloted in urban areas, this initiative is structured around destinations and the use of public transport to explore neighboring villages/access services by school groups. This pilot initiative is therefore relevant to all age profiles at both primary and secondary level as an opportunity to implement life-long learning skills


Inspire rural school communities located on regional routes to consider public transport as an educational and practical tool.

Raise awareness about new and enhanced public service routes, ticket fares and accessibility

Support the development of life-long learning skills (timetables, route maps, road safety)

Increase uptake in public transport services on rural networks.


Scoil Fhionain NS, Kilfinnane, Co. Limerick is located 500m from the newly installed bus shelter servicing Bus Eireann Route 329 Kilfinnane-Kilmallock-Bruff-Limerick City. Recent improvements to the service enabled a school trip to the neighboring village of Kilmallock. With the support of the regional Green-Schools Travel officer, students learned about safety at bus stops, how to read timetables, ticket fares and more. Availing of public transport networks in rural areas for educational trips had not been considered prior to this pilot initiative and plans are in place to extend this to other classes in the new year.

How do I participate?

Schools located on existing regional routes (Commuter/interurban) routes will be invited to apply in 2025.

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