Green-Schools Stay Home – Marine Enviroment

We’re really excited to show you some cool stuff you can do at home to keep helping the environment. In this page, we have put Marine Environment themed videos, quizzes, tips, and activities that students can enjoy doing at home. We have sample weeks full of activities, shares and ideas for students in the age categories of Junior Primary (Infants – 2nd class), Senior Primary (3rd – 6th class) and Secondary School (1st – 6th year).  The activities will help students learn about the values of our oceans and seas and the fragile habitats within them. 70% of the planet is covered by ocean, so you don’t need to live directly beside the coastline to take part in learning about the importance that the Marine Environment plays in all our lives. The activities have been split into weekly activities. Please tell us how you get on with any photos or videos or put them on social media with the hashtag #GreenSchoolsStayHome. Enjoy!

Sample Week A

Monday Lesson – Plastic Soup

Age Group: Primary and Secondary

Welcome to Green-Schools Stay Home, Marine Environment! In our first activity we explore plastic pollution and the impact it has on our oceans. See below to learn more & complete our Plastic Soup activity 🙂 Click here to access our resources for going plastic-free!

Tuesday Craft Activity – Up-cycled Fish

Age Group: Primary

A great way to reduce waste is by up-cycling used materials. Today we learn how to make an up-cycled fish from a toilet roll tube!

Wednesday Activity – Story of Stuff: Microbeads

Age Group: Primary and Secondary

Plastic microbeads were recently banned in Ireland…but many people didn’t even know they existed! So, what are microbeads anyway? Check out the Story of Stuff video about microbeads and do our quiz!

Thursday Activity – Make your own face scrub!

Age group: Senior Primary & Secondary

In today’s marine activity you can learn how to make your own eco-friendly face scrub!

Friday Share – Learn about Molluscs

Age Group: Secondary

Marine Biodiversity is so rich with life, and we explore in brief the world of seashells, showcasing some of the features, and a display.

Sample Week B

Monday Lesson – Learn about the Puffin

Age Group: Primary

Puffins are one of our most beautiful and recognisable seabirds; find out more about them with our fact sheet!

Tuesday Activity – Arts & Crafts Up-cycled Octopus

Age Group: All

Did you know that octopus are one of the most intelligent invertebrates? They also have three hearts and blue blood! This week in our up-cycled crafts we make octopus out of toilet rolls…

Wednesday Activity – Plastic Oceans UK: Our Ocean

Age Group: Secondary

Why are our oceans so important? How do they work and why do we need them? Check out this great video by Plastic Oceans UK and then take our quiz!

Thursday Activity – Memory Game

Age Group: Primary

Dolphins have the longest memory in the animal kingdom (besides humans!) – how good is your memory? Play our marine memory game to find out!

Friday Share – Green-Schools Marine Environment Conference 2020

Age Group: All

Every January, we celebrate our Oceans at the Green-Schools Marine Environment Conference, take a look at our video to see what we got up to this year!

Sample Week C

Monday Lesson – Learn about the Humpback Whale

Age Group: Primary and Secondary

Did you know that there are 25 species of whales and dolphins known to live in Irish waters? Find out more about one of them, the humpback whale, with our fact sheet!

Tuesday Activity – Arts & Crafts Up-cycled Jellyfish

Age Group: Primary

For week 3 of our up-cycled crafts we take on jellyfish! Mysterious, ancient and 90% water, try make your own

Wednesday Activity – Marine Movie: Our Planet Fried Egg Jellyfish

Age Group: Primary and Secondary

Today we learn about the amazing and fierce fried egg jellyfish with a clip from the Netflix documentary Our Planet. Watch the clip and take our quiz!

Thursday Activity – Blubber Glove Experiment

Age Group: Primary

Channel your inner penguin and understand how polar animals keep warm, with our fun blubber glove experiment!

Friday Share – Marine School Firies NS

Age Group: All

Today we wanted to share some of the amazing work being done by one of our Marine theme schools: Firies National School in Co. Kerry! Have a look at the presentation to see some photos of their wonderful marine art and displays!

Sample Week D

Monday Activity – World Oceans Day Quiz!

Age Group: Primary and Secondary

Woo-hoo today you can celebrate a virtual WORLD OCEANS DAY (which takes place on June 8, 2021)!! Today’s the day to celebrate our beautiful Oceans and all the sea-life that inhabits them! Test your knowledge of our Oceans with our special Oceans Day quiz 🙂 Click on the image below to get started.

Tuesday Activity – Arts & Crafts Up-cycled Crab

Age Group: Primary

This week as part of our Tuesday up-cycled crafts activity we take on the crab! Did you know there are 850 species of crab in the World?! Ghost crab, spider crab, fiddler crab, but to name a few…what will yours be?! Tag us with your creations @GreenSchoolsIre #GreenSchoolsStayHome

Wednesday Video – BBC Trials of Life: One Hundred Million Crabs

Age Group: Primary and Secondary

Watch the amazing annual spawning event of millions of red crabs on Christmas Island, with this great clip from the BBC’s documentary the Trials of Life and then have a go at our quiz!

Thursday Lesson – Learn about the Atlantic Salmon

Age Group: Primary

This week we learn about the Atlantic Salmon – find out about the life-cycle of this amazing fish and how they spend their lives migrating between freshwater and the Ocean! Check out our fact sheet.

Friday Share – Doon Convent Primary School & St. Patrick’s Junior N.S.

Age Group: All

This week we have two shares from Schools on the Marine Environment theme.

Have a look at the gorgeous artwork and displays created by Doon Convent Primary School in Limerick, click on the image to take you to their presentation.

If you haven’t heard it already you are in for a treat, listen to this fantastic song “Don’t Throw it Away!” on the YouTube video by St Patrick’s JNS

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