We’re really excited to show you some cool stuff you can do at home to keep helping the environment. In this page, we have put Energy -themed videos, quizzes, experiments, ideas and more activities that students can enjoy doing at home. Our sample week is a week full of activities, shares and ideas for students in the age categories of Junior Primary (Infants – 2nd class), Senior Primary (3rd – 6th class) and Secondary School (1st – 6th year). So hopefully there is one or two for all ages to engage with each week.
The activities will, help students learn about Energy and suggest ways in which we all can work together to increase awareness of energy issues and improve energy efficiency. Please tell us how you get on with any photos or videos or put them on social media with the hashtag #GreenSchoolsStayHome. Enjoy!
Green-Schools, An Taisce, Registered Charity Number: CHY 4741 / CRA No: 20006358 / Company No: 12469
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