Global Goals Book Club: Goal 1, No Poverty

Book: Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts 

You’ve asked and we listened! This months Global Goals Book Club has been designed to specifically engage junior and senior infants. In Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts, all Jeremy wants is a new pair of runners, ones like all his classmates have. His grandma explains that they only have room for “need” not “want”. By chance Jeremey finds a pair of those highly desired runners, only problem is they are too small! With the help of a fellow classmate and his grandma he soon realises that the things he already has -a loving grandma, shoes that do fit, and the opportunity to show a classmate kindness- are worth more than any want! Introduce Global Goal 1: No Poverty in a tangible, friendly lesson to junior and senior infants through Those Shoes and the related activities!  

 Links to Goal: Goal 1 No Poverty 

Finally, we’d love to hear from you. Tell us how you are liking the Global Goals Book Club by completing the survey below.  Don’t forget if you use any of the activities to tag us in social media @GreenSchoolsIre on Twitter and Instagram! 

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