Food Miles Part 2 – How do reduce them?

In the Part 1 of Food Miles we looked at where our food comes from, how far it has to travel and how this relates to climate change. Today we will learn about three ways we can reduce our Food Miles.

This resource pack includes a video highlighting 3 ways we can reduce our Food Miles accompanied by an fact sheet.

There are 3  activities in this resource pack.

  1. Download the food miles fact sheet.
  2. “Investigating Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables”, by using the Best in Season calendar students must fill the information on the worksheet which can be downloaded here. An answer sheet can be downloaded here.
  3.  “Creating a meal with Low Food Miles”, this is a short video, Green-Schools Travel Officer Jennifer Cooney shows how she made a delicious meal using local food items.

Make sure to tag @GreenSchoolsire with your delicious meals.

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