St Marys Woodside N.S is located in Sandyford, Co Dublin. The school has approximately 27 Teachers and 254 students. They achieved their second flag for Energy in May 2022.
Step 1: GS Committee
The committee is made up of 2 pupil representatives from 1st – 6th class, chairperson and a secretary who meet fortnightly. A girl and boy was elected onto the committee by their classmates. Two staff members help in the running of the committee. The wider school community are active participants and supporters of all Green School initiatives.
Step 2: Environmental Review
For their Environmental Review, St Marys read the school meter and found out that the school recently changed from oil to gas as their energy source for heating. They conducted an appliance and lighting audit to see where the school was consuming energy and to identify any wastage. The committee investigated renewable and non renewable energy sources in the school and researched energy supply in food production. Energy awareness increased from Good Knowledge to Excellent awareness and conservation practices.
Step 3. Action Plan
Some of the actions carried out were:
- Energy Saving Poster Competition. Photocopies of winning posters displayed around the school to discourage water and energy waste.
- Solar Panel installation 2019
- Recycling Bins: All Green Committee to collect batteries and remind Ms. Barry when battery bins are ready for collection.
- Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st class participated in the Learn to Grow programme, growing their own vegetables
- Food Miles-Journey of the banana. Oxfam Fairtrade activities
- Application to receive a 30 space cycling shelter successful. Shelter will be installed at a later date.
- All classes were encouraged to bring in reusable towels for washing hands to reduce the amount of single-use paper towels used.
- All classes created unique and original Christmas decorations using recyclable materials
Step 4. Monitoring and Evaluation
Spot checks for lights, switches and water usage in the school.
The committee introduced a screen for new Solar Panels. The screen advises how many trees were saved since installing the panels as well as other information on renewable energy.
Ongoing modes of transport surveys. Pupils are encouraged to use sustainable transport through initiatives such as Walk on Wednesday and Scoot to School week.
Step 5. Curriculum Links
Some curriculum links included:
Science | Plant and Animal life, Environmental Awareness and Care, Materials. |
(Data & Measure) |
Survey to establish the different ways in which the school population travel to school. |
English | Speaking & listening, listening and applying, writing & poetry |
SESE | DLRCC Dog Fouling Competition
Woodies Budding Gardeners programme. |
Art | Upcycling. Drawing and Construction.
DLRCC Christmas Decoration Competition |
Step 6. Informing & Involving
The committee post information about their achievements in the local Panorama magazine to allow the entire community read about their work to date. Parents are contacted through email or the website about upcoming events.
Day of Action:
- Scoot to School Week. The committee members went around to all classes the previous week to discuss energy emissions and to remind them of the importance of using sustainable transport. 34% of the school population scooted to school on this day which was a high number considering the rain that day!
Step 7. Green Code
Be polite and turn off that light.
Use energy right, make our future bright.