St. Clare’s Primary School, Harold’s Cross

St. Clare’s Primary School is a mixed primary school based in Harold’s Cross in Dublin City.

Step 1: Green-Schools Committee

The committee consist of pupils from third to sixth class, the deputy principal, teacher reps and the caretaker. Each Committee member was elected by their class. The children were encouraged to vote for people who they think can communicate effectively with the rest of the school, are enthusiastic about green issues, have good ideas and are committed to giving up their time.

The committee meet at least once a month to discuss issues and upcoming events. Information is passed to the rest of the school every Friday at assembly

Step 2: Environmental Review

On completion of the global awareness survey the committee decided to focus on two main areas where they lacked knowledge: Fair Trade and the Origin of their food. As the younger classes had never looked at Litter and Waste before they focused mainly on this and the senior classes looked at the global citizenship goals.

Litter and Waste audit results: Try to cut down on landfill waste and focus mainly on reducing and reusing rather than recycling. Rubbish bins in the classrooms are weighed and the results displayed at assembly every Friday.

Step 3: Monitoring and Evaluation

Here are just some of the ways that the school tracked their progress.

  • The Global awareness survey was completed twice
  • Weighing bins every Thursday
  • Spot Checks on lunch boxes
  • Suggestions on how to reduce waste sent to students and their families
  • Checking samples of students work to track their knowledge on the topic
  • Three teachers on the committee regularly update the rest of the staff
  • The school also maintained all five previous themes.

Step 4: Curriculum Work

  • Junior and Senior Infants – Big Book, Michael Recycle Guzzler Big book on energy and more
  • First Class- Learning about Children in the school from different countries , projects on countries in the EU
  • Power Up India – Trocaire Resource for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class
  • 2nd 3rd, 4th and 5th- Lifecycle of the plastic bottle. They made an stop motion animation of this
  • 6th Class- Global citizenship- what it means to be a citizen. Rights and responsibilities
  • 6th Class- Writing to companies asking where their clothes are produced and what measures are in place to reduce packaging
  • Making robots from recycled materials All classes – Lunch box waste survey
  • Poetry competition on Global Citizenship theme.

Step 5: Informing and Involving

Day of Action

St. Clare’s held an Intercultural Day in the school on the 9th May. Children of different nationalities had a stand displaying information about their countries. Many of them dressed in traditional dress and had traditional food for sampling. They coincided the intercultural day with Europe day . 4th and 6th class took part in the Blue Star project also had their work on the EU on display. All parents were invited to the event which was also attended by Emer Costello MEP. The Green-Schools notice board displayed a map with pins showing where all the children in the school come from.

On Thursday 17th of December 2015 St. Clare’s held another Intercultural Day in their school. Children who have heritage of various countries displayed projects about their country. Many of the children brought in food that is particular to their country. Eighteen countries were represented, these included Lithuania, Algeria, The Philippines, Ireland, Albania, Russia, Nigeria, Georgia, Australia, France, Poland, America, Peru, Tanzania, Italy, China, Hungary and Egypt. It was a fantastic day and all involved made a great effort.

Other ways to inform and involve:

The committee update the rest of the school on progress at assembly every week and a member of the committee announces  the “Green Tip of the Week”

Step 6: Green Code

1.        Continue all recycling and composting

2.        Walk, cycle, scoot or talk the bus to school

3.        Exercise and eat healthily

4.        Use water sparingly

5.        Don’t waste food

6.        Switch off lights and electrical equipment when they’re not needed

7.        Keep doors and windows closed when the heating is on

8.        Respect the plants and animals  on our school grounds

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