Scoil Chríost Rí, Portlaoise

Scoil Chríost Rí, a large secondary school, hold meetings for the committee once a week and update the Green-Schools team page regularly. The committee is very dedicated and frequently speaks to the cleaners and caretakers on bins regarding recycling and bin contamination. 

Before starting on this theme, the school rated itself as having poor knowledge of the concept of Global Citizenship but has now improved to excellent knowledge! Some of the many actions taken by the school include requesting the catering company to change to biodegradable cardboard trays, launching a “Say No to Plastic Bottles” campaign and hosting a Sustainability Week in 2022.

Their great efforts have resulted in a massive reduction in the number of plastic bottles in their bins, a survey showed that before the campaign they had on average 92 plastic bottles in their bins daily, this has reduced to an average of 21 plastic bottles!

Also, during their Sustainability Week, the students took part in lessons on Fair Trade, a screening of the documentary “A True Cost “which focuses on the impact of fast fashion, and they installed We Count monitors to measure air quality around the school gates.    

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